Shipping & Returns
Duke Cannon ships to the United States (lower 48 + Alaska and Hawaii) and Canada. Duke Cannon charges flat-rate shipping of $8.99 on orders of $0.00 to $49.99 for the Lower 48, and shipping is FREE for orders over $50.00. We also offer additional expedited options starting at $14.99.
Alaska, Hawaii, APO/FPO, and Canada addresses are subject to unique shipping rates based on order amount and ship-to address. Products considered Hazardous Materials may only be shipped via FedEx Ground, and cannot be shipped to Alaska, Hawaii, or internationally. Once your order is shipped, you will receive a confirmation email.
Estimated shipment transit times begin when an order is picked-up from our warehouse. Please allow up to 72 hours processing time prior to shipment.
Our warehouse teams work hard to process and ship orders as quickly as possible. You will receive an email with tracking information when your shipping label is generated. Orders can take up to 3 business days to process, regardless of the selected shipping option. The shipping window for your selected shipping method begins once your order is physically picked-up from our warehouse facility by the freight carrier.
Orders shipping to the Lower 48 may be in-transit for up to 14 business days from the date of purchase. Orders shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, APO/FPO addresses, and Canada may be in-transit for up to 4 weeks, depending on carrier volume and customs.
Duke Cannon charges sales tax in various states whenever required by state law. If you were charged sales tax, it's because we are required to charge sales tax in your state.
At Duke Cannon, we stand behind our products and quality controls. If you are not satisfied with a Duke Cannon product you purchased from Duke Cannon or one of our authorized sellers in the United States, you may request a replacement product, store credit, or a refund within 60 days of the date of purchase.
To submit a Guarantee request, please Contact Us and have information available regarding where and when you purchased your product. You may also be asked to provide proof of purchase, submit photos of your product or its packaging, or provide other information to assist Duke Cannon in processing your request. You must submit your Guarantee request within 60 days of the date of original purchase.
Please note that because we are unable to control the quality of our products sold by unauthorized sellers, unless otherwise prohibited by law, the Guarantee is not available for products purchased from unauthorized sellers, including unauthorized internet sites/marketplace sellers. The Guarantee is also limited to original, end-user purchasers in the United States.
Duke Cannon reserves the right to verify information, require a valid proof of purchase, and to deny Guarantee requests in its discretion in cases of suspected fraud or where Duke Cannon concludes that the purchaser has abused the Guarantee. Duke Cannon may amend or terminate the Guarantee at any time without notice.
If you have any questions regarding whether a seller is an authorized seller of our products, please Contact Us.
Effective: January 1, 2024