Un-nil duke cannon

There is no place on earth as damp, sweaty, and gross as the
inside of a college sports mascot suit.


During the tournament, mascots never stop. They race around firing
up the crowd, high-fiving anyone within reach with their felt-covered hands,
and in general spending every second working their (literal) tails off.


But unlike the players on the court, they’ll never get to cash in
on any name, image, or likeness deals—because they are literally not allowed to
let anyone know their name, image or likeness. They just have to keep doing
their job: being a sweaty, anonymous person toiling in a hot, furry suit.


Well, Duke Cannon decided to right this wrong. So, we are
officially sponsoring one of those hard-working guys who tirelessly wears the
mascot suit.

We value things like hard work, family, community, and bacon; we champion builders, creators, sledge hammerers, holders of doors, and fixers of toilets; and we have the utmost respect for teachers and farmers and soldiers and first responders—so it’s no wonder good folks feel right at home in Duke Cannon Country.

Rooted in military history, the Duke Cannon brand continues to gain inspiration from active duty soldiers. The rectangular “brick” shape and large size of Duke Cannon’s Big Ass Soap was inspired by the product issued to G.I.’s during the Korean War. (Our modern version retains similar dimensions, but smells a little better than its predecessor.)

Today we continue to gain inspiration from the fine soldiers serving our country by partnering with active duty military stationed at Camp Ripley in our home state of Minnesota as well as those currently deployed abroad in some of the world’s harshest environments.

While big corporations pay MBA’s to conduct months of focus groups, we simply work with our liaisons in the Armed Forces to inspire new ideas and review any and all new products before they launch. Simply put, if it doesn’t meet the high standards of the men in uniform, it doesn’t happen.

Duke Cannon Supply Company is serious about its commitment to giving back to the men and women serving our country. That’s why we started the Duke Cannon Veteran Fund. Learn more about how we support veterans.